Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 11:18 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Detroit News, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 10:48 PM PDT
Change in rules makes officials more accountable
ANN ARBOR -- Baseball players are singled out when they make errors. Basketball players who foul are identified to the masses. Hockey players are thrown in penalty boxes.
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posted by Anonymous @ 11:18 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 9:16 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
El Sentinel, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 8:26 PM PDT
Patriots are best because they're the smartest,0,7494511.column?coll=sfla-sports-col
The Patriots are the perfect storm. They are the product of a symbiotic relationship between a coach and his top personnel man, who seems innately aware of which players are suitable for systems and schemes.
Richmond Times-Dispatch - Women's Sports, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 9:05 PM PDT
Printer Friendly Version Email This Story Sports Focus: Radio/Television
If Al Groh ever needs a new drumbeater for his University of Virginia football program, here's a suggestion: ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit. If he isn't careful, people are going to talk.
Sports Business News, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 9:04 PM PDT
October 6, 2004
Way, way west of Coolidge Corner -- in the days when a twentysomething Theo Epstein was working his way up from an aide in the media relations department to a key administrator in the baseball operations office of the San Diego Padres -- he was a fixture at the home of Kevin Towers, the team's general manager.
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posted by Anonymous @ 9:17 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 7:19 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Pioneer Press, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 5:42 PM PDT
Shock jock Howard Stern will head to satellite radio in '06
PHILADELPHIA - (KRT) - If you want to hear Howard Stern, starting in January 2006, you'll need to shell out $12.95 a month for satellite radio.
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posted by Anonymous @ 7:19 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 5:23 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Kansas City Star, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 5:10 PM PDT
Shock jock Howard Stern will head to satellite radio in '06
PHILADELPHIA - (KRT) - If you want to hear Howard Stern, starting in January 2006, you'll need to shell out $12.95 a month for satellite radio.
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posted by Anonymous @ 5:25 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:37 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
MSNBC, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 12:15 PM PDT
Warner, Giants resurrected â for now
He's not yet what he was in his glory days and his team is not yet what it was in its glory years, but for Kurt Warner and the New York Giants these are the days of their rebirth â if not yet their resurrection.
OurSports Central, Wed, 06 Oct 2004 11:56 AM PDT
October 6, 2004 - NWFA Player Survives Round Four in Reality Series!! Only 2 Episodes Remain.... Linda Caruso, a player on the Mass Mutiny has survived the fourth episode on the new ABC reality show the Benefactor.
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posted by Anonymous @ 1:55 PM