Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, March 21, 2005 4:09 PM PST
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Hellenic Resources Network, Mon, 21 Mar 2005 1:11 PM PST
Athens News Agency: Daily News Bulletin in English, 05-03-19
Debate over the public healthcare system and social solidarity dominated Parliament's off-the-agenda addresses on Friday, with Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis first taking the podium to announce a series of legislative initiatives and reforms in the coming period.
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Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, March 21, 2005 12:10 PM PST
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
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The Sanford Herald, Mon, 21 Mar 2005 9:32 AM PST
Major league baseball's steroid controversy, even without former player Jose Canseco's revelations, has so tainted American's pastime that it might take an act of Congress - literally - to keep the game's integrity anywhere near intact.
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Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, March 21, 2005 4:10 AM PST
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:, Mon, 21 Mar 2005 2:56 AM PST
Kansas City Chiefs - GRETZ: Locker Room Rumblings
Most of the movers and shakers of the NFL are spending the early part of this week over in Maui at the league’s annual March meeting. I tried to convince the folks at that this event needed in-person coverage, but they didn’t bite.
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