Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, May 16, 2005 5:12 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:, Mon, 16 May 2005 2:19 PM PDT
Kansas City Chiefs - GRETZ: Time for Options
How about the Kansas Chiefs? What’s that you say, I’ve left out a word when talking about Lamar Hunt’s football team? Shouldn’t it be Kansas City Chiefs?
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posted by Anonymous @ 5:12 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, May 16, 2005 1:12 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
The Davis Enterprise, Mon, 16 May 2005 11:27 AM PDT
"Kicking And Screaming"
Published May 13, 2005 - 16:51:16 CDT. Two stars. Will Ferrell tries too hard. Much too hard.
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posted by Anonymous @ 1:12 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, May 16, 2005 5:12 AM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
News Journal, Mon, 16 May 2005 4:03 AM PDT
Veteran part of historic WWII battle
ONTARIO -- Donald Minnie was typical of his G.I. generation. He didn't talk much about World War II. Just a few cryptic comments were all his son could ever get out of him to the day he died in 1985.
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posted by Anonymous @ 5:12 AM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Monday, May 16, 2005 1:14 AM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Daytona Beach News-Journal, Sun, 15 May 2005 10:57 PM PDT
Kreatures want their money
DAYTONA BEACH -- While the Daytona Beach Hawgs have struggled financially, at least the team is intact. The same can't be said, however, of its sister team, the Kissimmee Kreatures.
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posted by Anonymous @ 1:14 AM