Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Thursday, November 4, 2004 4:18 AM PST
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
San Jose Mercury News, Thu, 04 Nov 2004 3:20 AM PST
Young may be forced to wait his turn for Hall of Fame, too
SAN JOSE, Calif. - (KRT) - Steve Young spent much of his football career overshadowed by one of the great quarterbacks of the modern era. Will he have the same problem in Canton?
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posted by Anonymous @ 11:29 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, November 3, 2004 4:18 AM PST
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Monterey County Herald, Wed, 03 Nov 2004 3:20 AM PST
Leftwich out with knee injury
Jacksonville quarterback Byron Leftwich, who once played a college game in such pain from a leg injury that his teammates had to carry him to the line of scrimmage after a play, is expected to miss four to six weeks after injuring his left knee during the Jaguars' 20-6 loss to the Houston Texans on Sunday.
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posted by Anonymous @ 8:50 PM

Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Wednesday, November 3, 2004 2:15 AM PST
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Poughkeepsie Journal, Wed, 03 Nov 2004 0:26 AM PST
Sports gives U.S. handful of candidates
Good morning, America. Well, we've elected another president (if indeed everything is settled by the time you read this). Are you tired of the same old choices? Think Ralph Nader is whacked? Well, let's turn to sports for a presidential candidate for 2008.
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posted by Anonymous @ 2:52 PM