Get Off Warner's Back!!!!!!!
right on bro...i am puzzled by the amount of attention that the warner-bulger controversy has received in the past year. And whats shockin is how so many people turned on Warner so quickly. People seem to arrive at quick and easy solutions for everything. This is the football, a team sport, emphasis on "team", more than basketball, more than baseball more than hockey, in football, no matter how great u are, if your team doesnt play for you, you cannot be succesful. Warners season was pathetic last year, and bulger had some great sucess. But let me point out that Warner played against some of the best defenses Broncos, giants, BUCS, redskins, Eagles, and during each of those games, if anyone watched them, his team didnt show up at all. The front line was a joke, he at times didnt have enough protection to even look down the field. His comeback against washington, he gave an impressive performance, but all people saw was how he fumbled at the last second. Not many noticed how wueferrel took apart a defense that seemed to show up when bulger took the snaps. Warner didnt have the comfort of faulk in the backfield either, and though many may argue that faulk doesnt get the ball enough with warner in the picture, theres still a reason why its called the warner-faulk combination. i will not say warner is nort to blame for anything. His performance was subpar, he let pressure get to him by tryin to force plays cause of a collapsing front line, and he made some bad throws and decisions that no quaterback should make. But before u write off KURT WARNER jus like that, try to look beyond warner and faulk as only reasons that TEAM could lose. Bulger was impressive but the least you can do is give a two time MVP, and highest rated passer in the game the benefit of the doubt. Give him a fresh start now that hes healthy, some needed protection which they have certainy worked on, and let him do his thing. If hes lost it then u still have bulger. As i said this is the new NFL, teams are competive, winners and losers change in a flash, nothin is predictable, one time you are hot, then your not. And even though the NFL doesnt take to kindly to mistakes, thers not much room for mistakes, to be succesful, things should work the other way around too, when u have a record like warners, the least u can do is give the man another shot. And all those kissin bulgers ass, remember how many people were kissing KORDELL stewarts ass last season, where is he now. Fortunes change in a second in the NFL, a man earns respect as an excellent QB, give him a little more time to earn the loss of his startin job, so before anybody has bright ideas about trading Warner right now...people...lets just be sure shall we...rams have lost enough quality players as is, warner deserves his 6 mil and another shot. BTW, Culpepper looked a lil' sloppy and rusty last year. What say the vikings trade him too.
posted by Anonymous @ 9:01 AM

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