Keyword News: ["pro football" news]
Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:12 PM PDT
Your Keyword News Alert for ["pro football" news]
matched the following stories:
Capital News 9, Thu, 12 May 2005 5:30 PM PDT
Tarullo returns to Colonie High
Colonie's Matt Tarullo is adjusting to life as a pro football player because he's a member of the Dallas Cowboys now. With his first minicamp in the books, Tarullo is back home.
Orange County Weekly, Thu, 12 May 2005 6:41 PM PDT
How I Became an Inspirational Speaker
“It’s hard to believe now,” your mind’s voice is telling you in a honeyed baritone that sounds like it was lifted from an infomercial, “but Greg Horvath used to be an angry farm kid who grew up hating his dad and drinking so much that he was kicked off his high school football team for bad grades.”
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posted by Anonymous @ 9:12 PM

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